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Anna's Senior Recital: Jewel Song by Gounod
Anna Draper

Anna's Senior Recital: Jewel Song by Gounod

Jewel Song, Charles Gounod from Faust (1818-1893) This aria comes from the third act of Charles Gounod’s Faust, Gounod’s most commonly performed opera that premiered in Paris in 1959. The libretto was written by Jules Barbier and Michel Carré, based on a play by Carré, which was in turn based on Goethe’s Faust. I this scene, Faust and the demon Mephistopheles have left a box of opulent jewelry on Marguerite’s door-step, and she is astonished by their beauty as she tries them on. Eternal thanks to my wonderful Accompanist Leila Linton, who I worked with for this whole recital, and sent me recorded tracks for all of the pieces in this program! Translation: Jewel Song Libretto by Jules Barbier and Michel Carré Translation by Martha Gerhert Ô Dieu! Que de bijoux! Oh God! What jewels! Est-ce réve charmant qui m’éblouit Is this a pleasant dream that is dazing me? ou si je veille? Or, what if I am awake? Mes yeux n’ont jamais vu My eyes have never seen de richesse pareille! Such opulence Si j’osais seulement If only I dared Me parer un moment to adorn myself for a moment de ces pendant d’oreille with these earings! Ah! Voici justement, Ah! Here is just what I need au fond de la cassette : at the bottom of the box : un mirroir! a mirror! Comment N’être pas coquette? How not to be coquettish? Ah! je ris de me voir Ah, I’m smiling, seeing myself si belle en ce miroir! so beautiful in this mirror! Est-ce toi, Marguerite, est-ce toi? Is it you, Marguerite, it is you? Réponds-moi; réponds vite! Answer me; answer quickly! Non! ce n’est plus toi! No! it’s no longer you! Non, ce n’est plus ton visage; No, it’s no longer your face; C’est la fille d’un roi; it’s the daughter of a king, Qu’on salut au passage! to whom people bow as she passes! Ah s’il était ici! Ah if he were here! S’il me voyait ainsi! If he should see me like this! Comme une demoiselle Like a lady of gentility Il me trouverait belle, Ah! he would find me so beautiful, Ah! Achevons la métamorphose, Let’s complete the metamorphosis, il me tarde encor d’essayer I’m most eager to try le bracelet it le collier! the bracelet and the necklace! Dieu! C’est comme une main, God! it’s like a hand qui sur mon bras se pose! ah! ah! which is placed on my arm! Ah, ah!

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